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Thinkwell in a distance education environment.

Using Thinkwell in a distance education environment.

What students think about using Thinkwell.

What students think about using Thinkwell.

Using Thinkwell in the classroom.

Using Thinkwell in the classroom.


I have noticed that myself and my fellow students who have used the Thinkwell CD-set are those most prepared and most able to answer Dr. Scala's questions during our lectures.

T.J. Adase,
Dutchess Community College


My class just took a midterm. I used the Thinkwell lectures to help review some of the concepts. In fact, I felt my weakest performance on the midterm exam was on the sections I did NOT review with a Thinkwell lecture…Your materials-no doubt-have greatly enhanced my ability to grasp topics. Concepts that were a bit fuzzy became more understandable after I listened to one of the Thinkwell lectures or flipped through the notes.

Sonia Giordani,
Holy Names College


I really do feel that Thinkwell has increased my class participation. I am better able to help my lab partners because of things from the lectures. I am also more alert in class because I can understand more clearly from the lectures. I may or may not understand an example given in class on a certain topic, such as the Sanger sequencing method for DNA, and Thinkwell helps me clarify how it works. Thinkwell has had a huge impact on my interest for doing homework. I would much rather listen to the lectures on CD than read the textbook word for word. And the lectures can be fun too!

Jodi Sullivan,
Dutchess Community College


I believe Thinkwell transfers confidence to the student in a way that normal textbooks find difficult. After all, you have a leading expert in the field talking to you as if the professor was in your living room! It is much easier to obtain the necessary information to be successful on the exam, retain information for the final, and have a store of information for review that can be referred to in a click of a button! I wish I had that for all my other classes! For these reasons, I believe it has enhanced my participation in class as well as overall learning. Has my interest in homework increased? I believe it has. Thinkwell is simply fun. That is why I believe students choose it over more static textbooks. Students like to do interesting, interactive activities. It turns the once chore of homework assignments into an activity that you dread no longer. I believe Thinkwell has eliminated my dread for homework assignments. I say hooray for Thinkwell!

Wade Johnson,
Northwestern State University, Louisiana


As far as learning the material goes, I think having an interactive CD is a much more fun and a sufficient way of learning. I mean--who really wants to sit and read a dry, boring textbook? Taking quizzes on the web is great because it tells you if you are right or wrong immediately and it tells why or why not. A textbook doesn't do this, and usually if you get an answer wrong you spend a great deal of time flipping through the pages looking for the right answer. The online notes are a better review than the textbook summaries in my opinion. After looking through the notes I feel as though I have gotten a good last review before the exam.

Jodi Sullivan,
Dutchess Community College


I really like the online notes; I can compare them to my own notes from class and from the textbook. The notes are concise, use easy-to-read graphs, and help sum up the most important points from a section.

Sonia Giordani,
Holy Names College


Thinkwell effectively battles the hardships of dullness and boredom common in some reading texts. Basically, Thinkwell is fun. Students like things that are fun!

Wade Johnson,
Northwestern State University, Louisiana


I cannot begin to tell you how much the Calculus I and II software helped me out. I will do anything to have Prof Burger guide me through Cal III. I have learned so much from him. I feel the software was worth every penny. Thanks for coming up with a super idea.

Rick Anzalone,
Kennesaw State University


I think you all at Thinkwell did a wonderful job. The biology CD is very entertaining and Dr. Wolfe makes biology fun to learn. I would love to get the CD for pre-cal and calculus. Please respond and let me know if this is possible, and if it is, put my order in now.

Chris Stevens,
Old Dominion University


Thinkwell was much more effective than any textbook could have been. I found learning the material to be much easier. If I had had a textbook, I would have probably skipped reading the lesson altogether, and only referred back to the examples when I was doing the math problems. The CD Lectures made it so that I found learning fun, and at times was more effective than a typical class lecture, because I could go back and watch it over and over again. It allows for class time to be used in a much more fun orientated (group activities, or practice) way than a lecture would.

Melissa Umezaki,
Williams College


The [Thinkwell] lessons were energetic which made me really believe that math could be fun. The lessons were linked well together, which enabled me to look back on concepts I learned earlier in order to understand the harder concepts later. I found that the Thinkwell professor explained the concepts very well. The lectures really hammered the concepts into my memory---long term memory.

Roshel Van Der Grinten,
University of Texas at Austin


Thinkwell gave clear, concise explanations that helped me go into class the next day already knowing the concepts, or clarify any concepts that I did not fully understand when the professor taught them. The video format with illustrations didn't feel like homework. It also helped me to visualize and understand why I was doing what I was doing on my homework. It would be beneficial to any calculus student.

Julie Guillen,
University of Texas at Austin


The homework was convenient. I did it at home and at work. And the correct answer explanation helped when I didn’t understand why the answer was what it was. In the video, it helped that the concepts were compared to familiar things, as well as real life situations, as opposed to just giving us a problem to solve. Having the lessons at home enables students to ask questions in class. (Class) time is not used to learn the material from scratch. Also, when we are presented with a concept, we can already have some background on it, and sometimes it actually saves us having to ask basic questions.

Janice Bartle,
Azusa Pacific University


I am a visual learner, the videos helped me better comprehend the material than trying to read a traditional textbook. As a result, this below average performer in math showed significant improvements. I learned more in this semester than I have ever learned in a math class, including specialized classes. If the student has the desire to learn, this product will make the difference.

Rick Swaims,
Blinn Community College


Thinkwell’s impact on class participation is very positive. Instead of being able to copy out of the back of the traditional book assignments, you are forced to learn and ask questions that will further help later at night on the homework. The most beneficial part of Thinkwell was that after each question regardless if it is right or wrong it gave full explanations of the answers. I have never enjoyed math for the pure fact that I had to spend so much time doing the homework. With this internet homework I enjoy myself more and like being able to learn from my mistakes while completing my homework assignment.

Cameron Munson,
Azusa Pacific University


…my participation in class was better because I had reinforcement in learning the material and was more confident that I knew what I was talking about, I think I learned the material better because it was introduced in a new way, and I wanted to do the homework because it gave us points and improved our grade.

Mary Beckwith,
St. Louis College of Pharmacy


Thinkwell helped out a lot in helping me grasp the material; it was a fun and interesting new way of doing work. I would say that it is an easy tool for learning calculus concepts. I have never been a math person, but I know that this made it easier for me.

Tim Stickney,
Williams College


[Thinkwell] helped with being able to understand the concepts since it was presented in a different format, as opposed to just reading a book. The homework aspect was much more appealing, since when I got something wrong it would tell me what I did wrong and how to fix it. I would say that it’s an innovative and effective means of conveying the ideas and concepts behind mathematics. Visual and auditory learning combined is often times much more effective than simply visual. (Videos vs. textbook)

Daniel Cline,
Azusa Pacific University


I really liked the pre-calculus product (so much so that I've already purchased the next one). It helped to supplement my class and clarify topics I was fuzzy on. I think it is a great product! I could have used one for chemistry.

Melissa Christianson,
Kennesaw State University


My experience with the Thinkwell program was very positive. I had no trouble installing the program. It was easy to use and understand. The program really made the subject come alive for me.

Amanda Jenkins,
Sheridan College


Your Biology lecture series saved my grade. As a student with ADD I found that your interactive and well organized lectures are a much more effective learning tool for my needs.

Daniel Moreland,
Azusa Pacific University


I was very pleased with the use of this “new” textbook. I found it extremely convenient, and very informative. A much more interesting way to take this course, in my view...perhaps to take ANY course. These lectures, notes, and exercises; combined with the skill of my instructor, helped me overcome many obstacles that I may have otherwise encountered. I have become an enthusiastic proponent of this teaching method after this first time experience.

Robert Stevens,
Palo Verde College


Thinkwell helped me to be able to relate economics to everyday life, which made it much easier to understand. It was much less boring than the traditional textbook and the interaction made homework more fun. The Thinkwell video was the most beneficial because the professor was not only knowledgeable, but he made everything easy to understand using visual aids and relative explanations.

Tiffany Swingler,
Northwestern State University


The lectures were so clearly presented and the visual tools (models, graphs, etc) Prof. Tomlinson used made the topics more interesting and easier to comprehend. I was eager to take the online quizzes every time I finished watching a lecture. The exercises were just another learning tool for me. The whole package was so well prepared that it would be hard to pick just one part as being the most beneficial. If I had to pick, I would say the videos were the most beneficial because I could replay at any time when I didn't understand, or was interrupted. I replayed certain parts over and over until "I got it". I wish EVERY COURSE had this type of presentation, especially my math and accounting courses! This is the best thing created since sliced bread!

Barbara Foster,
Texas A&M University


I believe that (Thinkwell) is a great learning tool. My grades can prove that.

Jackie Blote,
Frederick Community College


I was able to learn the material before going to class, allowing for better class participation. I was able to learn at my own pace. If I needed to go over the lesson, Thinkwell allowed me to do that. I think I was able to grasp and understand the material much more easily by using the Thinkwell CD rather than having to read the book.

Deborah Fleming,
Southampton College


Because I was able to visually see the concepts demonstrated, I gained a better understanding. The tests and immediate feedback were a definite plus. Immediately after answering I could go back and study the questions missed and retake the test.

Terri Jones,
Collin County Community College


Thinkwell helped me tremendously in my lecture class. Instead of just having my teacher go over it I got another lecture that explained things in a different manner. This helped especially when I wasn’t sure of things in the lecture class. This course did, however, change my mind on doing homework. Listening to the lectures is much more pleasurable than doing exercise questions from a book. This is a great learning device.

Dan Santee,
University of Texas at San Antonio


Thinkwell helped a lot because it gave lots of very good diagrams and models. I was having a really hard time with polysaccharides and functional groups as well as cellular respiration and photosynthesis, but after watching the Thinkwell CDs, I understood those parts and did really well on the midterm. I learn better by seeing examples because they stay in my head and it’s easier for me to recall them on an exam. Even hearing George Wolfe’s voice helped me. I thought that was really cool how he was part of the teaching aspect. It wasn’t just facts written all over, he went step by step and that also helped me. I found the Thinkwell digital text really helpful.

Rasha Ghattas,
DePaul University


The Thinkwell program allowed me to understand the course material much better and helped me understand the class material before we discussed it in class. So I was much more interested in attending class to better understand the material I had already reviewed using Thinkwell.

Cassie Whittington,
St. John Fisher College


I think that Thinkwell helped class participation a lot because we were able to learn the material before we came to class which prepared us for more in - depth discussions over material. Generally speaking the material presented in the CDs was very easy to understand making learning easier and more enjoyable.

Becca Tomlinson,
Roberts Wesleyan College


When I used the Thinkwell disc, I was very prepared for class and therefore able to participate more often. I found it very helpful to be able to stop the video whenever I needed to, and go back and have something I was having difficulty with repeated to me as often as I needed it to be. Topics were explained in a relaxed, easy to understand manner. I enjoyed listening to the Thinkwell disc and then answering the practice questions. It was a very low stress, comfortable way to learn new material. The videos were very engaging, not difficult to follow and were short and sweet. I never felt as though I was being hit with too much information all at once. The exercises were the most beneficial to me in helping me to see where I needed to focus more of my attention. Thinkwell is a “must have” resource and that I would not have done as well in the class without it.

Regina Maresco,
Dutchess Community College


Thinkwell helped me to be able to participate more in class, to be able to understand what my Professor was talking about and I’m convinced that it helped me to achieve the high grade that I did. I really enjoyed this. It helps teach things that a traditional text book can’t always do.

Jodi Polarek,
Roberts Wesleyan College


Thinkwell helped me participate more in class by asking more questions. It definitely helped me learn the appropriate material faster and better.

Kathryn Demchuk,
DePaul University


The Thinkwell subject matter was easily learned and made for better understanding of the subject, which made class discussion easier for me. The step-by-step textbook coverage helped to break down the difficult sections. This made information retention very easy.

Andrea O'Neill,
Dutchess Community College


I was a lot more “ready” to study using Thinkwell. It helped me to have an edge and be able to participate in the lecture discussions in class.

Amy Crozier,
Northwestern State University


My professor encouraged us all to go and get Thinkwell’s Biology. I was hesitant at first because of all the money I had spent on books. But, I’m glad I decided to get it because I have seen great improvements in my grade.

Christyn Perot,
Northwestern State University


Thinkwell’s impact on my class was great. I actually understood what my professor was talking about and I was not confused by his information that he gave the class.

Elizabeth McNeil,
Northwestern State University


George Wolfe is very easy to understand, and he has a fun personality that makes it easier to listen to lectures. The videos were beneficial because it wasn’t just another boring lecture to sit through. Throughout the lecture important points were highlighted, which made it even easier to understand what George was trying to get across. The pictures also made it easier to remember things.

Carly Zuckweiler,
Univeristy of Wisconsin - Oshkosh


Thinkwell helped me to participate more by giving me a full idea of what was going to be talked about in class especially since the professor pretty much used the information from George to lecture in class. It affected my learning in a positive way because it was another chance to see the material.

Jamie Bauman,
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh


Using the Cd’s made the information more memorable than I think it would have been using just a book. They also gave a few more examples than I think a textbook would have offered. By having someone explain some of the concepts to you, it helped me understand some things better.

Shannon Thiele,
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh


George Wolfe was a bit funny so he made the learning easier and more interesting. He had a distinct way of teaching the material to the point where you could LEARN it.

Alejandra Menchaca,
University of Texas at San Antonio


Thinkwell helped me understand concepts on certain topics, like photosynthesis and some of the body’s systems, that I don’t think I would have been able to understand by just reading a book. It helped me see the connections between everything we were learning. It also made biology a little more interesting. The speaker takes you through biology while drawing pictures to help you see what he’s saying.

Buky Aworinde,
University of Texas at San Antonio


I did learn a lot because I could do the lectures any time I wanted and I could pause them or listen to them again. The videos were beneficial because I could pause them or listen to them over again if I didn’t grasp the concept fully. I enjoyed using the Thinkwell system because it fit my learning style in that I could do the lectures and quizzes anytime I wanted and that I could listen to them as many times as I wanted. I also liked the quizzes because I got immediate results on whether I got the questions right or wrong.

Arwyn Martin,
Tulane University
